the world as the will of transfiguration

photographs by Brunella Fratini • note by Massimo Pacifico

Photography is ductile. Almost endlessly. Feature that has sublimated in recent years, since the digital process has supplanted the chemical physical one to capture the image, and allowed the photographer to take less restricted spaces than the traditional ones.

The limits of representation, already manipulated with the conscious use of the combination of focal lengths, shutter speeds and f-stops settings, appear to be definitely “solved”. This is demonstrated by Brunella Fratini, though born to photography in the analog age. She recounts a world that only the wise use of digital manipulation allows one to explore, represent and participate.

The work of the photographer from Abruzzo, who seems to be acquainted with Duane Michals and Francesca Woodman, and denounces the primordial vocation to the author’s documentarism, shows how a photographer today can now break free from objectivity to venture into the dreamlike lyricism. Even when facing subjects only apparently “real”.

Some say one dreams in black and white. Brunella dreams in color. Colors that are reminiscent of photographs of the ’60s, obtained with the “industrial” development from negative film, the orange ones to be precise.

And her dreams captivate.


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